Monday, 9 January 2017

The Perfect Period to Visit Italy

The best months for traveling in Italy are from April to June and mid-September to October—temperatures are usually comfortable, rural colors are richer, and the crowds aren’t too intense. From July through early September the country’s holiday spots teem with visitors. May and June usually see the highest hotel prices in Rome and Florence.
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Frozen Accounts of MMM Participants to be Paid in Bitcoin

Ahead of its January 14, relaunch, popular MMM Nigeria has said it is introducing Bitcoin, the 2016 world’s best performing currency, as its means of payment.
The surging digital currency tipped to become a new safe haven asset as the world grapples with growing economic uncertainty, neared its all-time high on Thursday, January 5.
Although hopes among the participants of the ponzi scheme are still high in Nigeria, many have continued to turn to Bitcoin which had been there but had little patronage like it was with the ponzi scheme.
Image result for diagram of how bitcoin works

Wednesday, 21 December 2016

Biography of Nigerian Female Artist, Adokiye

Born Adokiye Ngozi Yvonne Kyrian to a staunch Roman Catholic family in Imo State, Oguta LGA and Okrika OguBolo in River State, Nigeria "ADOKIYE" as she is widely known is a singer and song writer whose musical style is deep rooted in the Afro-fusion/Highlife genre of music. 

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Saturday, 26 November 2016

The Life Of Fidel Castro: Revolutionist Gone at 90

There is no better description than the word ‘revolutionary’ for the 90-year-old Cuban leader.
With the death of Fidel Castro, the last of the iconic revolutionary figures of the 20th century is now no more. The word, “revolutionary” is a bit too easily bandied out these days to describe leaders, but there is no better description to encapsulate the 90-year-old Cuban leader’s life and achievements.

Wednesday, 9 November 2016

6 Signs That You are Going to Die Early

An obese man's belly

It’s uncomfortable to think about, but sooner or later we’re all going to die. There’s simply no avoiding it. We’re all born with an expiration date, and there’s nothing we can do about it — though there are many things we can do to buy ourselves more time. Lifestyle choices, along with environmental factors, can lead to an early death. And if you want to do what you can to make sure you die later rather than sooner, there are all kinds of changes you can make.

Saturday, 22 October 2016

British Airways to launch Dreamliner service to New Orleans

An undated image of a British Airways Boeing 787-8 "Dreamliner."
British Airways will begin flying to New Orleans this spring, making the Louisiana city the carrier’s 23rd destination in the United States. 
Service to British Airways’ hub at London Heathrow will begin March 27. The airline will offer four flights a week on its 214-seat Boeing 787-8 “Dreamliner” aircraft. 
British Airways says New Orleans customers will be able to connect via Heathrow to 130 other cities “throughout Europe and beyond.”

Tuesday, 18 October 2016

English Version: Official Transcript of the meeting between Muhammadu Buhari and Chancellor Angela Merkel

Chancellor Merkel: Dear Mr. Muhammadu Buhari! I am pleased to welcome you to Berlin today, after we met at the G7 summit in Elmau and I was in Nigeria a few years ago.

Just a few days ago, the German-Nigerian bi-national commission in Abuja, to which our Federal Foreign Minister had travelled, had also met as an expression of our close cooperation. We will continue the cooperation in the context of the G20 Summit, which will take place in Germany next year, and will return to what we have already emphasized in the context of G7, namely cooperation in the field of health and, of course, cooperation in the fight Against terrorism.

German Version: Official Transcript of the meeting between Muhammadu Buhari and Chancellor Angela Merkel

Mitschrift Pressekonferenz
Pressekonferenz von Bundeskanzlerin Merkel und dem Präsidenten der Bundesrepublik Nigeria, Muhammadu Buhari
in Berlin
(Die Protokollierung des fremdsprachlichen Teils erfolgte anhand der Simultanübersetzung)
BK’in Merkel: Sehr geehrter Herr Präsident Muhammadu Buhari! Ich freue mich, Sie heute in Berlin begrüßen zu können, nachdem wir uns bereits beim G7-Gipfel in Elmau getroffen haben und ich vor einigen Jahren bereits in Nigeria war.
Vor wenigen Tagen hat auch als Ausdruck unserer engen Zusammenarbeit die deutsch-nigerianische binationale Kommission in Abuja getagt, zu der unser Bundesaußenminister gereist war. Wir werden die Zusammenarbeit im Zusammenhang mit dem G20-Gipfel fortsetzen, der im nächsten Jahr in Deutschland stattfinden wird, und dort darauf zurückkommen, was wir bereits im Rahmen von G7 als Schwerpunkte gesetzt haben, nämlich die Zusammenarbeit im Gesundheitsbereich und natürlich die Zusammenarbeit im Kampf gegen den Terrorismus.

Love Letter to First Lady, Mitchelle Obama By Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie

By Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie:

She had rhythm, a flow and swerve, hands slicing air, body weight moving from foot to foot, a beautiful rhythm. In anything else but a black American body, it would have been contrived. The three-quarter sleeves of her teal dress announced its appropriateness, as did her matching brooch. But the cut of the dress scorned any “future first lady” stuffiness; it hung easy on her, as effortless as her animation. And a brooch, Old World style accessory, yes, but hers was big and ebulliently shaped and perched center on her chest. Michelle Obama was speaking.

Monday, 17 October 2016

PayPal Co-Founder, Peter Thiel Pledges $1.25 Million to Support Donald Trump

If savvy investment is all about timing, Peter Thiel may have lost his touch. The PayPal co-founder and billionaire venture capitalist has, according to the New York Times, chosen to give $1.25 million to the campaign of GOP candidate Donald Trump, at a moment when that campaign seems to have roughly the turnaround potential of Theranos.